Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Classic Monsters

   Another fun fact about this game is the fact that  most of the monsters in Final Fantasy 9 were monsters that appeared in the previous Final Fantasy Games from the early 1990's. Some players may recognize some of the the classic creatures such as the Tonberry,  Behemoth, Iron Giant,  and Bomb. When looking at the  monster designs one can notice that their appearances tend to start off incredibly cute and friendly looking then upon further progression they  start to look increasingly more demonic and ferocious.
     The Tonberry is one of the more tricky monsters to come across in any Final Fantasy  game. Despite the soft appearance of the Tonberry it has a massive amount of physical attack and has the ability to react with powerful counter attacks that can instantly kill a party member. If that wasn't enough they also have an insanely amount of health.
     The behemoth is another classic monster and it is also one of my favorite monster designs. The behemoth is the kind of monster that can symbolize a tank. Similar to the Tonberry it has a ton of hit points and can deal massive damage to a single or multiple party members at once. The main difference is the behemoth has more agility meaning it can constantly apply pressure to the player causing them to play more cautious and  strategically. 
       The iron giant is another classic enemy that makes an appearance in Final Fantasy 9.  Despite the fierce look this enemy is nothing but a pushover but it seeing him brought back to a recent game with updated graphics does bring a rush of nostalgia to the player. His most common moves are helm divide and cleave.  Helm divide leaves one of your party members with 1 hp after  the hit connects and cleave hits every member of your party for moderate damage.  The iron  giant is also  equipped  with defensive spells such as protect which increases his defense.

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